I Do Have Smart Moments I Promise.


Not all of this may be me being smart but I am giving it a try.

This morning, I was talking to a fellow museum director and she was talking about this hotel room she recently booked. This hotel was left in shambles very suddenly by the former owners and the current owners are trying to get it back in order. This museum director said that she told them all she wants is a bed and a clean bathroom. I go, “And clean sheets, you want clean sheets”. The response: “Oh Megan, I’m glad you’re my friend”. I’m a thinker. And I worked in housekeeping in a tourist trap during the tourist season. I know what I want in a hotel room.

Recently, a high school friend of mine was named in the Bismarck Tribune’s 40 under 40. He is a young adult pastor at one of the churches in Bismarck. I could not be prouder of him. He’s done a lot of good and is amazing. He and a group just went to Chile for an outreach and I just saw pictures but it looked amazing. How many good things can I say in a short paragraph? Mmmmmmm, a lot.

I just recently stumbled upon a post by this woman and how her husband isn’t her soul mate. I had to read this because I was curious on how her husband wasn’t her soul mate. I was intrigued, let’s say that. I read through and I was impressed. She seems to have a good head on her shoulders. There were points I haven’t thought about. No one’s pointed them out to me before. And it’s not like these points are like super hard, they’re just not thought about. Go check her out.

I know I talk about guys to the point of being obnoxious some times. There are posts I want to punch myself because I’m so obnoxious when it comes to guys. Like boy really didn’t need as much time as I gave him. This post kind of gave me a reality check that, God doesn’t necessarily promise me a husband. Yeah he has a plan for me and he cares about the desires of my heart. But a husband doesn’t always fit into that vision that God has for me. I should realize that. A little bit more often actually.

And you know, it’s kind of funny. I rant and rave about fictional characters and how teenage girls are obsessed with them for being sparkly and immortal and a lot of them aren’t looking at the good guys like Darcy or Jamie Fraser. Pretty sure, I’m not that smart with guys in real life. Why don’t I rant about that? I have enough awkward encounters with people to fill up a life full of posts.

And since we’re talking about relationships. Last week I was at a meeting and one of the women is pregnant and she’s due like any day and her baby is breached and they were talking about it and I’m not sure I want a breached baby like ever. Or go through childbirth. My own birth might be enough for me. Watch, I get married and the first thing out of my mouth is “Let’s make a million babies”. I can totally see that happening.

Since I mentioned Jamie Fraser, book 8 comes out in 8 months. That’s under a year…….if you didn’t realize. I know that the 12 month calendar is a hard thing for some people because I know I never remember which months have 31 days. I’m just helping. I’m amazing like that. (You guys are learning a lot about me today. First I’m a thinker, then I’m amazing. Who knows what’s next?) Ian and Rachel are going to get together, Jamie (I think) forgives Claire and Lord John for getting married because they thought he was dead and Claire needed some male protection because she’s too ballsy and gets herself in trouble. That makes Claire a polygamist. And it also means Claire is Claire Beauchamp Randall Fraser Gray. And if we’re being technical, there should be another Randall after Fraser because she went back to Frank when she came back to the present. Confusing? Not if you’ve read the Outlander series. I would hate to be her if she had to fill out a scan-tron.

I finished listening to High Five by Janet Evanovich and started listening to Inheritance by Christopher Paolini. Remember me talking about these audio books? With the Muppet voices and the accents? Yeah, I’m continuing the insanity. But in my defense, I need something to listen to when I’m working. Alone. In a museum. So judge all you want.

Last night (or band night as I like to call it) I saw a friend that I haven’t seen in 3 years or since she graduated high school. She moved to Oklahoma and we just keep missing each other so I was super excited to see her. And she’s one of like 3 red-headed friends, making her special and maybe magic.

Remember when I said that there is another trombone player that’s this kind of old guy and he’s good in band? He was there last night for like the second time all summer and he struggled. I have never seen him like this. He couldn’t count, he seemed dazed. I was surprised and okay with my insignificance.

Well, I know that was kind of roaming in subject but that is my life. I am kind of a roamer and, in my opinion, entertaining. (yes, that’s vain. Deal with it.)

Leave me comments Yo!